Andrea Bucci

[singlepic id=27 w=320 h=240 mode=web20 float=left]  “People are homeless, hungry, an dsick, somebody should do something about this. Be somebody.” — Bonnie Brady  For me, being a part of a world change is what I was made to do. God created me to do something with my life and not just sit around watching the world waiting for change to happen. When I heard Mindie’s sermon I knew that I had to do something, and I could not feel more blessed to be a part of this opportunity. Defying the status quo, hoping for...

Megan Flotten

[singlepic id=12 w=320 h=240 mode=web20 float=left] When Mindi spoke of the opportunity to be one of the advocates for 25 in change, I knew in my heart that this is what I wanted to do. It’s such a simple concept that has the ability to change how we live forever. So often we take a back seat on issues we could be the solution to. The quote “Evil requires only that good people do nothing” (Edmund Burke) fits so wonderfully in this situation. I am humbled, ready & excited to be a part of such an amazing movement!  Follow my progress...

Trevor Frost

[singlepic id=19 w=320 h=240 mode=web20 float=left] I’ve been meaning to lose a few pounds for awhile, then God presented me with 25 in change. It’s like He’s saying “help feed thousands of kids and lose some weight, chubs.

Kelly Gregory

[singlepic id=32 w=320 h=240 mode=web20 float=left] I am a single parent and would be lost, if I was not able to give my son food and an education. What chance would he have in the future? Change starts within. I’m pretty sure I will never have to experience hunger, at the same level as these kids, but if there is anything I can do to help CHANGE their situation, I am all in!  Want to know how I’m dealing with the change of revolution? Find out...

Jenn Grooms

[singlepic id=30 w=320 h=240 mode=web20 float=left] I am involved in 25 in Change because I have worked and studied in health care field for over 6 years.  I have first-hand seen the rise in diabetes and obesity in children. Working at the hospital one day I had a parent verbally yell at me for putting her 200lb 10 year old on the ‘healthy choice’ diet. Our bodies were not really made for chemicals and processed foods.  Join me in saying NO to fast food, and processed items for a mere 25 days.  25 days to create awareness that we need to treat our bodies better, and learn how blessed we are to never go to sleep wondering if we will get food the next day.  Let’s feed the kids that DO need it, and starting getting healthy!!!  I dare you.  My Twitter rocks! Follow me...

Nicole Henry

[singlepic id=21 w=320 h=240 mode=web20 float=left] I want to make people see what is really going on in the world and to get people out of their bubble they live in and see that we need to make a change in the world. You can follow the change I’m going through...

Kat Horton

[singlepic id=14 w=320 h=240 mode=web20 float=left] I’m an advocate because I refuse to take another bite of food unless those forgotten by the food system gain access to a healthy meal. Come check out my Twitter as I go through 25 in...

Jenn Sanders

[singlepic id=13 w=320 h=240 mode=web20 float=left] I have never missed a meal because I did not have food. I always say I am ready to make a difference and now with 25inchange – I do. Come follow me on...

Gil Jones

[singlepic id=15 w=320 h=240 mode=web20 float=left] If my life were a movie it would be called “4 Kids & A Funeral.” Actually, that’s close, because four children can do that to you! In reality it would be called “4 Kids & A Church”, because that is where both my passions lie. Which is funny based on how I grew up. I would have never thought I would care for the marginalized in our world, but God had different plans. And kicking a dent in chronic world hunger and obesity is a heavenly move, because 434,000 children a month are dying from hunger around our planet every month. Like I said, I have four children. They aren’t hungry. So we get to feed those that are. Join me and let’s kick a massive dent in this one…together. Also, I’m going to give Twitter a try. Hit me up...

Ben Klecker

[singlepic id=23 w=320 h=240 mode=web20 float=left] I am involved in 25 in Change because throughout my life I have expected others to be the change that I have wanted to see in the world. However, today, I accept my responsibility as a human being to be of service to those who need it most, and to make radical changes to my own life in order to do so. I am simply a grain of sand, ready and willing to do my part to help beautify the beach we call life, and I will be strong in my commitments because I am weak before God. Time to get...

Josh Messer

[singlepic id=11 w=320 h=240 mode=web20 float=left] Brian McLaren’s quote had been bothering me for awhile: “The secret message of Jesus is meant not just to be heard or read but to be seen in human lives, in radically inclusive reconciling communities, written not on pages in a book but in the lives and hearts of friends…”   I had glimpses of what it meant, and then when I heard about 25 in Change, I realized this was the Big Thing and I was all...

Laurel Messer

[singlepic id=17 w=320 h=240 mode=web20 float=left] I want to be a freedom advocate for those who are enslaved by food’s scarcity or food’s abundance. I want to be a small part of redemption in this world, which starts with meeting basic needs and compassion for others.  Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed people can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.” ~ Margaret Mead. I can be found on Twitter...